Mid-September things
Christopher feli@darkbunny.caShare
The temperature is getting cooler, the air is more crisp, the mosquitoes are slowly dying off, so it's time for a few new things to be officially announced as available, and to get a sneak peek at a couple of things.
Rabbit's Roulette
We did it. We finally have the boxes, the bottles, the sauce... everything is coming together and we now finally have the official Rabbit's Roulette game box! Six bottles of sauce, one of which is quite a bit hotter than the rest.
We've also made the sauce, individually, available. With a twist. It's available in 59ml and 250ml varieties, as well as in both the "Low Roller" and the "High Roller" varieties, but you can also choose to "Roll the die" when ordering it. In which case you'll receive a random bottle of the sauce, low or high heat.
Wimpy Werecat
We finally made it. With the success and enjoyment of the Wailing Werecat and the Weeping Werecat sauces, we've followed through and made the Wimpy Werecat. Currently, we've pegged the heat at a 1/10, as it has just a couple of peppers in it to give it a touch of heat, but it is the same onion sauce that people have come to love.
Bunny's Garden 2019
The pepper plants on my balcony keep producing, and there *are* a few things growing in the lower garden. As such, I will warn people: this year's Garden is going to be ridiculously hot. With peppers like the Death Spiral, Carolina Reaper, Bhut Jolokia, Chocolate ghost, white ghost, Borg 9... this may be our hottest sauce yet.
The peppers are really just starting to ripen now, but I have a feeling that with this weather it should be made by the end of the month, perhaps in early October. So I am opening up pre-orders for the sauce. I'm still not 100% sure how much it'll make, so I am limiting the pre-ordered bottles, but if more are available come the time of making I will let everyone know.
Pre-order your Bunny's Garden now!
Lastly, if you missed our previous post, wejust want to say that our Patrons rock. They help keep DBS going. People like Alexandre, Dashnir, Paws, Karine Charlebois, Kitty Jotlightly, Sean, and Shamadillo. Thank you.
So from now on, added to all paid tiers from Bunny ($5) and up, you get a discount code to use, and our system will only let you patrons use it, so we have to make sure you have an account and everything. If you haven’t received the code, send us a message and we’ll work it out. You have to have an active account with DBS (not just the Pepper Points).
Not a patron? Want to become one? Head to https://www.patreon.com/SaucesDarkBunny