The people who make DBS
As mentioned in a lot of other places on this site and elsewhere, Dark Bunny Sauces is proud to be able to lose count of all of the friends we've made over the years.
There are just so many people and organisations that we like, that like us, and that we mutually support that we would be hard pressed to list all of them. But I just couldn't sit by any longer and not point out a vast number of the ones that we feel deserve your visits, purchases, support or just your attention for a few moments.
This page is by no means an exhaustive list, and it will be updated now and then, but we'll try to keep it as easy to follow as possible, and include as many people as we can that we consider integral to Dark Bunny Sauces. Because they deserve all the love.

Artist & Graphic Designer (GDGD)
Doubling not only as an artist extraordinaire, but as Dark Bunny Sauces' Graphic Designer, Soryane is easily the one who lives in our head, and sees the same vision for the sauces as we do when it comes to the looks.

Ookami Kemono
The first official artist for our sauces, Ookami Kemono is an amazingly skilled artist who encapsulates the feel of the sauces in simple images.

Joss Orca
A good friend and up-and-coming artist, Joss has done a few pieces for DBS, and we're proud to have their artwork gracing our humble bottles.

Support (spiceless critique)
Long time friend and inspiration for the Pretty Puppy sauce. From the beginning always supportive, and awesome.

Artist and capsaicin consumer
Cat-monk Shiro
Someone who both has an extremely high tolerance for spiciness and an amazing artist, Cat-monk Shiro has provided the artwork for the Werecat sauces.

Another of the newer additions to the Dark Bunny roster and the artist behind the Buzzed Basilisk.

One of the newer artists to join the Dark Bunny Family, has done the absolutely stunning design for the Audacious Axolotl.

Caffeine supplier (Coffee Roaster)
Les torréfactions du dragon
Now a partner in things spicy and caffeinated, this new company has impressed us with their coffee roasts, and we are looking to use their coffee for anything that calls for it in our arsenal (as well as for personal consumption).

Caffeine Supplier (Teas)
Galaxy Teas
Galaxy Teas has supplied us with all the tea we could ever need for our Terrified Trashpanda line, and we are happy to have a cupboard fully stocked by them.

Sauce transport and slinger
An amazing friend that has helped us more than once get our wares from and to Montreal.

just some guy, you know?
Feli is the owner, manager, cook, main taste-tester, a general crazy person, and an "artist" too, apparently.
Probably the least important person on this page.
Seriously, not sure why we're putting him on this page.
More to come shortly!
We're always adding more talent to our team, making things look better, taste better, and be better.