Genial Gemsbok
Genial Gemsbok
Okay, so... we made a second attempt.
This is our second official dry rub/spice mix. We took some inspiration from Jamaican Jerk spice rubs, but added our own twist to it.
We used ground, dried Quebec-grown habanero peppers to give it just a bit of a kick, but the most important thing we did was to spend a couple of days drying out some of that wonderful black garlic, powdering it, discovering it has some... unique properties, adding a bit of corn starch and powdering it again, then mixing it and a whole bunch of freshly dried spices together to give this spice mix an absolutely amazing flavour profile.
Already used on breaded pork, it tastes amazing.
Ingredients: onion powder, koshersalt, raw sugar, black garlic powder, white pepper, allspice, cinnamon, nutmeg, paprika, ginger, rosemary, thyme, sage, cumin, habanero, marjoram, garlic powder, cloves, parsley, corn starch
Ingrédients: poudre d'oignon, sel kasher, sucre brut, poudre d'ail noir, poivre blanc, piment de la Jamaïque, cannelle, muscade, paprika, gingembre, romarin, thym, sauge, cumin, habanero, marjolaine, poudre d'ail, clous de girofle, persil, amidon de maïs
- DBS Heat: 2/10
- Gluten Free