Growing with no pains

Christopher Pilgrim

We've been not-so-subtly been hinting at something for the last week or so,  more on Twitter than anywhere else.  This has been more because Twitter is there for more of a quick-thought messages over writing things out fully. 

But I suppose the time for kind-of-vagueness  is over. I can't give the name just yet of our partner,  but shortly,  Dark Bunny Sauces will be gracing the shelves of a store.  It's not a big selection that will be available,  as we are starting small.  The store,  which I won't name yet,  will soon open but it isn't there yet.  It will be in a smaller town near Montreal.  But this is a big step for DBS. 

So if,  over the next little while,  you notice some changes to our sauce lineup,  or to our labels,  don't be alarmed.  We're just setting things up to get ready for retail sales. We'r'e starting with the Barbecued Beaver, Striking Scorpion, Hoppy Hedgehog and Blasted Bat.

This means a few small changes as well,  but nothing shocking.  We will announce things as they come up.

Thank you for being with us through this big step.  We hope you'll be with us far into the future for all of the rest. 


As a side note, sauces are now available in "regular" sizes (250ml, or 375ml for mustards or the Blasted Bat) by the case of either 6 or 12. Please contact me for details. 

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