All good things...
Christopher PilgrimShare
With 2017 safely tucked into bed, we can move onto making 2018 the year of spiciness that it is destined to become!
In 2018, DBS will be retiring a few sauces. In the last couple of months we've introduced you to our lineup of new sauces. And we are eagerly looking forward to having you all taste them. Even Experiment 43. But in order to make room for these new sauces, we're going to be retiring a few of our other sauces. This isn't to say that they'll never be coming back, but for the moment we're not going to produce them.
So getting put in the vault are the following sauces:
- Gargling Goat
- Humbling Hybrid
- Mad Dog #5
- Sinful Snow Leopard
- Soulful Snow Leopard
Like I said, they're not gone forever, and we still have some, but we're going to be pausing the production of these while we make the new sauces like Hoppy Hedgehog and even the Nuclear Narwhal.
2018 will bring new sauces, of course. How could it not? So we are looking forward to keeping you all warm and happy.