A few changes to operations

Christopher Pilgrim

Alright, there’s a few changes coming in some operations, but life has necessitated the changes.

The backstory to the upcoming changes:
I just got laid off from my job. Yes, this has happened before, and no, I don’t fault the job. I’m not upset by it. It just means a little bit of life restructuring to see if another part time job is needed or not.

That being said, here’s what’s changing at Dark Bunny Sauces because of this:

We’ll be closing all items for ordering for the next hour or so while a full and proper inventory of the shelves is done. Once the inventory is complete, everything on the shelves will be available for ordering again.
A few things will remain permanently open to order, such as BBQ Beavers, Striking Scorpion, Burning Bunny, and a couple of others. These get cooked regularly, and so will always be available to order.
Other sauces will be available to order as they are on the shelf. Otherwise, they will be listed as “Unavailable” on the website.
IF there is a sauce you want and it is listed as unavailable, simply contact me. I’ll see what the feasibility of making a batch is. To be honest, it should never be an issue, it just may take some time to get it done.
Some items will be removed from the website completely, as they are things that don’t get requested often, and I would rather us focus on more popular items.

1L and 500ml varieties of sauces will be on a direct request basis only, again, the exceptions being the afore mentioned sauces.

All orders in the queue are still being worked on and aren’t being dropped! In fact, this give me MORE time to get them completed, so expect a flurry of post office trips in the near future.

Thanks for staying with Dark Bunny Sauces through all of this. I appreciate your support and patronage. The best of journeys are never without their bumps (or potholes, I DO live in Montreal, after all)

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