We interrupt this silence to bring you the following unpaid advertisement!
Christopher PilgrimShare
Is your food tasting a little bland?
Could you stand to add that little something to your meal?
Oh! Would you look at that! Pre-Orders for CanFURence are open!
Dark Bunny Sauces will once again be gracing the Dealers Den with our delectible dastardly delights, and as you folks are some of our most wonderful customers (ALL of our customers are wonderful, but you know...) we want to extend you all an offer!
Use the code CFe18PO to get 10% off of your pre-order for pickup at CanFURence in August. Order now, and we will guarantee we'll have your sauce ready for you! You just pre-order, pay, and in...12 weeks your sauce will magically appear!
This applies to all volumes of sauce, from the wee little 59ml bottles to the gigantic 946ml jugs.
Just visit http://darkbunny.ca to take advantage of this amazing deal! Act now, supplies unlimited!
But wait, there's more!
Pre-orders for Fur-Eh! are also still available!
Just use the code FE18PO to get THAT 10% off (it's a different 10% than the other one, we swear!)
TL:DR - if you're going to Fur-Eh! or CanFURence, pre-order to make it easy. Use the code to get a discount. Be happy. Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.
Dark Bunny Sauces - keeping furries spiced up since 2015
We now return you to your regularly unscheduled insanity, already in progress.
Could you stand to add that little something to your meal?
Oh! Would you look at that! Pre-Orders for CanFURence are open!
Dark Bunny Sauces will once again be gracing the Dealers Den with our delectible dastardly delights, and as you folks are some of our most wonderful customers (ALL of our customers are wonderful, but you know...) we want to extend you all an offer!
Use the code CFe18PO to get 10% off of your pre-order for pickup at CanFURence in August. Order now, and we will guarantee we'll have your sauce ready for you! You just pre-order, pay, and in...12 weeks your sauce will magically appear!
This applies to all volumes of sauce, from the wee little 59ml bottles to the gigantic 946ml jugs.
Just visit http://darkbunny.ca to take advantage of this amazing deal! Act now, supplies unlimited!
But wait, there's more!
Pre-orders for Fur-Eh! are also still available!
Just use the code FE18PO to get THAT 10% off (it's a different 10% than the other one, we swear!)
TL:DR - if you're going to Fur-Eh! or CanFURence, pre-order to make it easy. Use the code to get a discount. Be happy. Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.
Dark Bunny Sauces - keeping furries spiced up since 2015
We now return you to your regularly unscheduled insanity, already in progress.