Post CanFURence Update

Christopher Pilgrim

I’m sorry for being quiet-ish the last while, but here’s the update.

-CanFURence was great this year. So many of you came and sampled and bought sauces from us, and that pleases me greatly. We had a blast this time around. And I have to say that the Chicken Wings Challenge blew me away. Not only by the fact that folks seemed really keen on watching people suffer through the wings, but the fact that we raised $1604 for the convention’s charity during the panel.

I would like to thank everyone that was involved, right down to that amazing last round of convention representation from CanFURence, Furnal Equinox, Fur-Eh, and of course I couldn't leave the memory of What The Fur out of the mix (What The Fur Forever!), with our special guest representing Chilly Chiles.

-Due to an incident, cooking will resume next week to fulfil orders. I feel awful that I have to wait, but my health takes priority. No, I’m not dying or anything, but my entire right hand seems to have become host to an infection (some of you may have seen me wearing my glove and/or the bandages at the convention). It’s being treated with some pretty aggressive medication, and is already clearing up, but I can’t wear the latex gloves for the next few days at least, so once it has cleared up, cooking will begin in earnest.

-Any orders sitting in my queue for more than a month (and there’s a few) will receive a little something extra.

-Once I go through what remains of my stock in the next day or two, I will be likely reducing the number of offerings on the storefront. The mainstays will remain, but some of the others will become seasonal. There’s just too many to keep track of. But there will be some more new things coming soon, including that sauce from the end of the wings panel. 

Our next in-person event schedules will be the Montreal Mini Comiccon in early December. More info on that as the date approaches.


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