Monfur's Furries on the Cob - And a raffle!
Christopher PilgrimShare
Les Sauces Dark Bunny (commonly known as Dark Bunny Sauces) will be having a raffle at the Monfur Cornocalypse on Saturday (go check the event details at )!
When you purchase corn, you will get a special dual ticket.
Not each and every corn. You get one ticket per combo, and one ticket if you purchase additional corn.
These tickets you will split. One you keep. One you put into the receptacle provided (might be a hat, a box, a bottle... who knows!)
After the corn is purchased and consumed, I will draw a ticket.
And that ticket wins!
Wins what you might ask? And if you asked that, that is a very good question to ask, because asking that question will get you the following answer:
That ticket will win you a box of 5 randomly pre-selected 50ml sauces from Dark Bunny Sauces!
You don't have to participate, but if you do, I wish you the best of luck!