Monfur BBQ

Christopher Pilgrim

Good morning everyone!
I hope you're all enjoying the warmer weather.

I just wanted to let everyone know that, seeing as we're doing the BBQ this year (and I have no choice but to go and singe all the hair off my hands again) that I am going to open up Dark Bunny Sauces to pre-orders for pickup at the BBQ. I know I haven't been to the brunches as of late, but I wanted to remind people that your premiere spot for sauces and such is still here, still going, and will still deliver a punch to your mouth (that some of you seem to enjoy). 

So go on and place an order for pickup next month at the BBQ. As is standard, pick "Montreal Furry Event Pre-Order & Pickup" as shipping and there's no fee. Also, for the next couple of weeks, I'm adding a discount code for this specifically.

MonFurBBQ19. Add this at checkout and get 10% off. You do all of this before July 13th and I'll have your sauces at the BBQ waiting for you.

Also keep in mind that CanFURence pre-orders are also available.

Thanks for reading through this blatant advertisement, but hey, at least I'm honest about it.
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