Last Call for CanFurence pre-orders
Christopher PilgrimShare
Today is November 5th. Friday is the 10th (yeah, even caffeine-deprived we can still do math. Maybe not type, though, as I have had to correct this a few times already).
As we're this close, Dark Bunny Sauces is putting out the final call for pre-orders for delivery at CanFURence next weekend.
This is also the final call for any and all pickup requests.
What's a Pickup Request? That's an excellent question as I have never really explicitly mentioned it before.
Send me an email, an IM through Google Hangouts, Telegram, Twitter, maybe even Skype (if I answer) or Facebook messenger. Put in your request for sauces, including any that won't be on sale until the convention (anything showing in the storefront), and the bottles will be tagged! On Friday, these sauces will be awaiting you to come and take them away (after appropriate payment, of course). If by the closing of Dealers on Friday you have not arrived to collect your sauces, they will be un-tagged and put back on the table for sale. It's that simple!
Why is today the last day? Because everything is going into the cases by tomorrow, and won't be re-opened until Friday at the convention.
So let me know!