In a world...
In 2018, Dark Bunny Sauces went to this wonderful show out in Edmonton. The show was so amazing that we couldn’t help but want to be a part of it. And so we were! We hosted the Dark Bunny Sauces Hot Wings Challenge. In our nearly matching kilt and suit, Tiggs and I hosted while we raised funds for charity and offered up some tasty and a few kind of dangerous wings to our panel of guests.
Well, like all good production companies, a sequel is in the works!
Halitosis Howler
Bradley’s Blood
Rabbit’s Revenge
(those are all fairly good cheesy horror movie titles, aren’t they?)
From the director that brought you
Night of the Furry Dead
Time Travellin’ Furries
Agent 00Fur
And in association with the producers of
Viva Paws Vegas
Harry Otter and the Furbidden Amulet
Who Killed the Con Chair?
DBS Hot Wings Challenge II
Revenge of the Sauce
Felinaeus and Tiggs team up to once again bring you entertainment beyond compare. Serving up chicken wings, cooked to perfection and coated in various hot sauces ranging from the mildest of sauces to the hottest we could legally make (and that wouldn’t result in Feli sleeping on the back balcony for a week). Several contestants will be sat in front of a live audience, and will be forced to answer gruelling questions, or to compete in challenges to the death*. The winner will receive a unique trophy item, and will be the recipient of never-ending fame and fortune**. All funds raised during the event will be donated to the convention’s charity – Underdogs Rescue.
There are going to be new sauces, new names, new levels of torment, and most importantly, new records for donation funds raised at a single panel!
Do you want to be a part of our studio audience? Awesome! All applicants are welcome and encouraged to attend. No tryouts or rehearsals needed. Details will be posted in the near future as to the exact date and time of the production, and all you need to do is show up! Audience participation is encouraged. We encourage you to please give generously, and help to make the show that much more exciting.
Do you want to be in our main cast?
Fill in the linked form and let us know. We will take all applications seriously, and will be paying close attention to all the responses. All you really need is to be in attendance at Fur-Eh! 2019 between June 13th and 16th at our studio in beautiful Edmonton, Alberta. Fursuits are not recommended for the duration of the production.
*There will be no actual death challenges
**Fame and fortune not guaranteed
This film is not yet rated.
For award consideration.