Hippity Hopity
Christopher feli@darkbunny.caShare
April! Where has the time gone?! I mean, just last week it was 2020, wasn't it?
We've all been through a lot. And I'm glad to see you've made it out the other side. The temperature is rising, the snow is almost all gone and the birds (yes, even the dreaded Cobra Chickens) are back, and you know what that means... Easter.
Yes, it's that time of year where the Easter Bunny grants eternal chocolate eggs onto the masses... I don't know. there's so many things going on at this time of year that it's hard to sort them out. But I think it's time to add a new one.
Today is the 10th. From today until the 20th (so 11 days) Dark Bunny Sauces will be discounting stuff. Some days it'll be everything, some days it'll be just one or two things. It might be sizes, it might be heats.No codes needed, it'll just apply at checkout.
But we'll start the Easter discounts off easy: for at least the next couple of days, get 25% off of any sauces 250ml or less.
-This doesn't apply to the dry rubs, Blasted Bat, clothing nor candies. Just the spreadable and pourable things.
Happy spring everyone!