Furnal Equinox 2022 updates
We were all set to be at Furnal Equinox - in person - 2022. But life had other plans.
So unfortunately, Dark Bunny Sauces will not be in physical attendance this year. This is not due strictly to covid, but due to other heath issues that would make it near impossible to be a dealer for a whole weekend. As it stands I still have to go to the day job, and that is taxing enough. Add to that another round at the hospital roughly the same week as FE and, well... yeah. Just not going to happen.
DBS Will, however, be doing our best to be in the online dealers den.
I really apologise to all of you spicy furs out there that were expecting to see the booth this year. This is the first time since 2010 that I won't have attended, and it does hit a little deep. But just know that I'm still around, DBS is still around, and we'll be back.