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Nuclear Narwhal

Nuclear Narwhal

DBS Heat: 11/10

This is a sauce. We think. We're not really sure.
After so many people kept telling us that our hottest sauces just aren't hot enough, we've made one that should be. But we're not sure because no one has tasted it yet. It's a mixture of almost pure hot peppers, with a few dashes of other things to round it out.


Ingredients: white vinegar, water, red wine vinegar, bhut jolokia peppers, finger hot peppers, thai chilies, garlic, red onion, cayenne peppers, carolina reaper peppers, trinidad scorpion peppers, salt, basil
Ingrédients: vinaigre blanc, eau, vinaigre de vin rouge, piments bhut jolokia, piments finger hot, piments thaïlandais, ail, oignon rouge, piments Cayenne, piments Carolina Reaper, piments Trinidad Scorpion, sel, basilic


Regular price $8.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 CAD
Sale Sold out
Tax included.
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