Almost caught up!


Hello everyone!
So, life has been life. "Fun" and "exciting" but most crucially: unpredictable.

But things are getting back to usual and I'm getting caught up with the last of the outstanding orders. Another wave of boxes is going out tomorrow, and yet another will likely go out on Monday next week.

But I wanted to let you all know of a few things that had been brewing for months (well, bubbling at least). Or at least formally introduce you to a few things available.

Carnivore Candy and Liquid Carnivore Candy

Carnivore Candy is what happens when you leave Feli alone for too long as he has time to contemplate things like "I wonder if you could make something out of sugar and peppers?" And, well, Google exists. So now too does Carnivore Candy - sweet and tart jalapeno rings. These things make excellent toppings! 

And, not to leave anything to waste, the Liquid version is essentially just the leftovers - a sugary, tart and slightly spicy liquid. 

Bucket 'o Bad Ideas

One day, Feli was looking at the piles of peppers purchased at the market, and had a really bad idea. He went and bought a bucket, filled it with all the fresh veggies and started it fermenting. 
After a few months, it has now been processed. A mix of ghost peppers, Carolina Reapers, chocolate habaneros, jalapenos, red chilies, some red bell peppers, onions and carrots (because, y'know...), a touch of honey and rice vinegar and there you have it. It's damned hot, but it's a thing!

Test Batch 99

Not yet available, but coming soon - I've tried my hand at making a garlic chilli crisp thing. It's... well, it's very good on steamed dumplings. I might make the first batch available soon.

Both the Limited Edition Firey Fennec and Courageous Curlytail are ready. These are fermented versions of the originals, adding a bit of a twist to the familiar flavours.

Also available now is Bunny's Garden 2023


Last bit of stuff will be expanded upon in another post soon, but Dark Bunny is looking to put up some help wanted signs. If you're in an area where we haven't been (or aren't usually) and want to help spread the sauce at a convention, we're looking to branch out. So if you're interested, keep your eyes out for a post in the very near future.


That's all for now. Be well everyone, and stay spicy!

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